Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

Long Night

This anxiety keeps me awake.
Can rest in peace be achieved without dying beforehand..... Or should I?

Thursday, April 18, 2019


I've already been sick for so long
It hurts me
to the point that leaving this world
is good enough

You keep me going on
You make me forget
I've been hurt the whole time
by my own self

you are my painkiller
the most effective one

You successfully cover up my pain
at the time I look completely fine
whenever I don't get
an enough dosage of you
the pain strike back
It's as painful as when
I haven't found you yet.

I need to find the cure
I need to find my remedy
so that I'm actually happy

I have to find it
when I still have you, my painkiller
so that I can focus most of my time
to looking for the cure

It was really frustrating back then
when I was in pain all the time
and yet I still have to keep going on
and find the cure
by myself.
I don't want
to undergone such situation
over again.

I'm sorry for being selfish,
You don't need to change how you act
I love the way we are
The presence of you is euphoric
Meanwhile the assault from the pain reminding me
that I haven't found my remedy yet

Good combination isn't it?
Thanks for being there
all the time

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Somehow, I just want an ability to engage a proper interaction with someone outside my main circle. At least like average people do.

Making someone you're interest in (or maybe even in love with) become uncomfortable of you is definitely the worst feeling ever.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Di Waktu Kita Yang Lapang

Ingin kucoba sekali lagi
Walau itu tak pasti
Setelah ku lalui
Penuh percaya diri

Saat sesuatu menjadi
sebuah teka-teki
Kan tetap ku jalani
Tuk menyingkap misteri

For those who read it without even humming, I pity your childhoods